Saturday, December 31, 2005


This morning I am going to the funeral of a man that I never knew in life. In Ireland it is right that funerals be well-attended. I know this man's daughter, my youngest brother's partner, and she was a rock to our family during the time of our father's illness and death.

I've never been to a funeral on New Year's Eve before but it seems fitting - an ending and hopefully, a beginning.


  1. I loathe funerals. I have attended several for the sake of the living, rather than the dead. There are usually quite a few reasons for going to a funeral, and only one for staying away.

  2. Irish funerals are attended by almost everyone with even a tenuous connection to the dead person. They are very much an occasion for communities coming together for the sake of the living. Because they are a normal and natural part of community life they tend to be life-affirming rather than not. That's my take on it anyway.

    Can I take this opportunity to say how interesting and wonderful your recent posts have been and also to wish you and your family the happiest of New Years.

  3. Anonymous12:18 am

    A bit late but happy new year!!

  4. Even later - Happy New Year Adam.

  5. Anonymous2:18 am

    And a Happy New Year to all at Nellyberts. May 2006 bring health and happiness to you all.

    (And, as for funerals, I fully second the comment about anyone and everyone turning up. The more the merrier. Gives people something to compare the next funeral to.)
