Sunday, January 01, 2006

Bedknobs and Bastarding Broomsticks

Over the Christmas period my houseful of twenty-somethings have watched,

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
101 Dalmatians
The Parent Trap
Toy Story
Jimmy Neutron and many, many more.

They went out to see The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. Bert finds this very baffling. When he picked me up from work on Friday I asked him what they’d all been up to. He replied,

They’re all lying about watching Bedknobs and Bastarding Broomsticks.

So while he and I were busying ourselves preparing rooms and beds for the Banjo invasion I ran this theory past him.

In your twenties you are not that terribly far away from childhood. And Christmas is a time that is strongly associated with childhood so if you find yourself in a parental nest over the holiday period it feels natural to regress to the cosiness of childhood. And for this lot that cosiness is associated with lots of children’s telly. Bless. For they’ll all be getting turfed back into to the harsh realities of adult life this coming week.

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