Friday, January 27, 2006

Oh. My. God.

So Chantelle won Celebrity Big Brother. Who'd a thought it.

Waiting in the wings was Jodie Marsh contemplating the column inches to be gained from associating with her new best friend.

Also in the background was Mr George Galloway, the well-known MP, with an insincere smile plastered over his fat face.

As for Mr Pete Burns - a face like a fur hatchet describes him nicely.

Thank heavens it's over. Now Beowulf and I can have our lives back.


  1. I only watch one or two things. Now I have only My Name Is Earl left. Lost over, CBB over. I like MNIE because it is moral, hilarious and only on for 30 minutes.

  2. Anonymous12:29 pm

    NellY: If you have RTE, Lost is back on on the 6th. Which is nice. Still won't make any sense at all, but hey.

    Stephen: is that not somewhat less than legal? Shame on you, sir!

  3. Anonymous6:24 pm

    *eat trumpet held up*

    What's that you say? You are lost? Earl? You have lost Earl? How would I know? See, back in my day, you could ask a policeman directions without being banged up. Nurse! I need pushed into the garden now. Where is that damned girl. Nurse! These kids are bothering me. Bring me my stick, I will sort it out. No damned respect these days, I dunno...

  4. Anonymous6:25 pm

    Erm, God only knows what an 'eat trumpet' is.

  5. Anonymous6:53 pm

    When chantelle left the house...

    Davina: Promise me you wont ever change.
    Chantelle: I don't know how to change!!!!!


    mikey x

  6. Eat trumpet. That's what sickens me about comments. Y'can't correct those little typos. But I knew you meant ear.

    Lost? We do have RTE. February 6th? Great.

    And.... I've got broadband. The logman fixed it.
