Friday, January 27, 2006

So Near And Yet...

Grrr. Hours trying to install broadband and now find myself defeated by which bit of wire needs sticking in where? Is there a word (like dyslexia) for wire confusion? I wish I had an Ed or a Mr Bolan tucked away in the attic for times such as these.


  1. Anonymous11:48 pm

    don't you have a common law son-in-law who might help out?


  2. That's not very nice calling D common.

  3. Anonymous1:27 am

    The kneebone's connected to the... something.
    The something's connected to the... red thing.
    The red thing's connected to my wrist watch. ...

    Uh oh.

  4. Thanx guys. That's a lot of help. I still can't get it to work and will have to call on the very uncommon logman belonging to Zoe.

  5. Anonymous6:27 pm

    And tell him to tidy up, he looks uncommonly scruffy in those pics on flickr. And quite unlike the ten year old I recall most.

    Is the attic airy, with sheets over Victorian furniture? Is the rent cheap?

  6. The attic is very bright and airy and full of books. It's a bit on the low side tho'. No Victorian furniture. Rent a very affordable £90 p.w. plus computer maintenance and garden chores.
