Tuesday, March 14, 2006

How Evil Am I?

You Are 46% Evil

You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side.
Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination.

Found at Tea & Toast. More evil than I


  1. Anonymous6:36 pm

    Haha! I'm only 24% :D

  2. Anonymous6:51 pm

    Oh dear, charming old lovable me clocks in at 78% evil.

    Rigged test. I was young once, and all those things are standard things to do. Honest!

    *swishes cloak and twirls moustache, tapping sliver-topped cane on the ground to summon his coach and horses*

  3. I wouldn't have expected Adam to be that evil but I'm *shocked* at the evildoings MWK. So tell me Mr Bolan - do you 'steal' music? Are you an arsonist?

  4. Anonymous7:18 pm

    I would be lying if I said I hadn't erm, accquired music. But evil people lie, right? So hahahah! now you don't know!

    As for setting things alight, there was a fine hedge on dry summer (I am guessing'82/83) that went up in flames rather spectacularly. Then there was the igniting yellow pages on the front doorstep of a peeler who lived down our road.

    But see, I am all reformed now. Just full of stories of times gone by. Which puts me in mind to spin some on meh own site. But I am composing a different one right now.

  5. Maybe I'd have gotten a higher evil score if I had a better memory ;)

  6. Eep - a solid 58% for me.

  7. Bliss - that's GOOD for a lawyer!

  8. Anonymous8:55 am

    A pretty poor 46% from me as well.

    Time for me to go out and raise that score a little...

  9. Who are you trying to kid Ed? Once an altar boy...

    And after hearing about the confessionals you took from your peers who were engaging in drunken sex - I definitely think you are in the wrong job. And there's a shortage. And you like preaching.

  10. Anonymous9:22 am

    Can it be? The Prodigal South African Son, your very own car-rolling, pint-pouring, Politics-Studying young aquiantance from the dark continent, in a flash of inspiration, finds that legendry blog floating somewhere in cyberspace and reaching out, index finger extended, searching, to CONNECT! I got 60%. Would have been higher if rolling a car counted as evil-doings. Hhmpf.

  11. Anonymous9:23 am

    That was not meant to be an anonymous post, but it adds to the mystery somewhat, eh?

  12. Anonymous10:39 am

    I have confusion; are you suggesting that I should take the holy orders? With the giving up of the sex? And the responsibility and the common sense? And the planning sermons instead of just ranting?

    Nah, I'll leave that to this guy. He's much better at it. Apparently.

  13. Hi Khail - hope your studies are going well. I was just thinking about you only yesterday.

    Ed - you don't have to be celibate if you are *discreet*. Anyway I think you have the look of a priest and I'm sure your family would be pleased. Oh and thanks for the link.

  14. Anonymous11:59 am

    Now, now, Nelly. At what point have I ever given the impression of being discreet?

    (Full disclosure: I found the link on me uncle's computer when I was fixing it for him. Makes sense, what with him being a priest and all. But more worrying was that I found my place linked from his computer too. I'm so going to hell.)

  15. Brother Ed - if you are going to hell what hope can there be for the rest of us?

  16. Anonymous5:54 pm

    None at all, Sister Nelly! That is unless you sign up to Father Eduardo's one-salvation-fits-all seminars, only $500 a pop! Come now and learn the secrets to being saved without having to give up on your favourite vices! Entry to Heaven guaranteed, or you money back.

    (Disclaimer: Father Eduardo is not a registered minister of religion. Claims of one-salvation-fit-all are totally made up and have no basis in fact or probability. Money will be returned if conclusive proof of non entrance to Heaven is produced no less than fifty (50) working years following death. If entrance to purgatory is obtained, only 50% of moneys will be returned until such time as eternal status of soul is resolved. If eternal souls are found to be nonexistant, all moneys will become the property of catchthat.net Enterprises and as such will be unobtainable by mortal man. This does not affect your statuatory rights.)

  17. Anonymous6:27 pm

    i come in at a respectable 54%-which i assume to mean i'm just over half-evil, which is probably about right. though i wouldn't have called alot of the choices particularly evil. but maybe that just proves the point...

    mikey x
