Thursday, March 16, 2006

St Paddy's Eve

Let Sleepings Dogs Lie...3
Originally uploaded by NellyMoser.
This time two years ago Paddy was languishing in the Crosskennan Animal Shelter in Antrim. He was thin as a rail and daubed with blue paint. He was not to know that the following day (St Patrick's Day) was the day his life was going to take a turn for the better. That it would be the day he came to live with us in Cully.

I'd like to thank Dee Mac who accompanied me on that trip for it was she who encouraged me to pick him. Dee Mac knows a good dog when she sees one.


  1. Anonymous8:28 pm

    Lucky Paddy. He looks like a fine character. Shame we can't adopt all the wee neglected dog men and ladies.

  2. He is a fine fellow. It has taken him all of the two years to really feel at ease with us and to find his sense of fun.
