Friday, April 07, 2006

Bunny Bashing

My last post was written under the influence of alcohol but I'm happy to say that this one is totally alcohol free. And this despite having spent the last several hours in the Crosskeys Inn in the company of Hannah, Jamie, Bert and the delightful Mr and Mrs Bolan.

Oh the scandal! The arguments! The disclosures! Let's just say that there are some people who will be seeing Bert in a very different light after tonight. There will be a lot fewer people asking him to mind their pet rabbits for them when they go on holiday.

See. That is what happens when a body spends time with the Toaster. Their blogs go all cryptic.


  1. The D boy [hubby] has promised me for going on 9 years to bring me to the Crosskeys Inn - and I am still waiting - he must be waiting 'til he knows me well enough before making any rash disclosures........under its influence or was it Mr. Bolan's influence. If it was the latter, he has no excuse not to bring me!

  2. Disclosures were made under the influence of Jamesons and not by me. I was sober.

  3. Anonymous8:22 pm

    Only half of us are cryptic, the other half are crypto-Jacobean Hats. And those two halves coincide, though are discrete entities. The other half keeps the first in check. Mostly.

    The snow goose flys at midnight.

    I must point out that of the Nellyclan I have met, they all rock. Mightily.

  4. Anonymous8:36 pm

    Hannah says the quizmaster was totally raging that nobody turned up for the quiz and kept giving her dirty looks. What can it be fuels that girl's paranoia? Can you imagine the quizmaster's chagrin? There we were sitting out there veritable fountains of knowledge and keeping it all to ourselves.

  5. Anonymous8:41 pm

    I am not sure that the volume we were talking at could be called 'keeping it all to ouverselves'...

  6. You're right about that.
