Thursday, April 06, 2006

Music Night

Really good Thursday session tonight. I had to remind myself (again) how privileged I am to be able to listen to so much good and real time music from such a talented bunch of guys and Hannah.

A thing I learned today. Bert is so much better at blowing whistles than I am. Whistle blowing is often encouraged but rarely appreciated.

Another thing I learned today is that life-work balances are the way to go.

Another thing - that quiet guy sitting in the corner listening to the general chat about arson, arsin' about, eatin chicken-shit and bloggin' might be your new boss. Aaargh!

And landlords aren't always arseholes. I met a guy today restored my faith. Jamie relocated to Norn Iron and Hannah & he are moving in next to the cutest neighbour in the world - a very, very handsome Jack Russell Terrier. Time we were out in those amazing Bertram-sheds sorting out the happy couple some furniture.

PS this is one of those red wine posts.


  1. "one of those red wine posts" mine are worse and I'm normally soberish :-)

  2. I thought I'd commented on this yesterday but I must have been feverish and fughed it up. First time I read Borstal Boy they said 'fugh' a lot. I didn't post later on as it would have been one of those Bushmills posts.
