Saturday, June 24, 2006

If youth knew; if age could

Yesterday, upon observing a young couple heading off for a walk, I thought, and not for the first time, that youth is wasted on the young.

They were both about seventeen. He was tall, gangly and wearing a beige woolly hat pulled low on his head like a condom. She was slim and bespectacled, slightly stooping with arms folded over as if she wanted to hide her breasts. They both looked awkward and shy of each other. Maybe it was their first date?

But there they were. Both fairly attractive, both lithe, healthy, smooth skinned and young! And you could tell they didn't give a fig for it.

They were cut from a different cloth than Jaunter and his moll but were no more appreciative of their youth and vitality than that sorry pair.


  1. Anonymous12:37 pm

    Oh, Jaunter and his moll were well aware of their youth. What other explaination could there be for them acting like a pair of five year olds?

  2. But did they appreciate it? Did they revel in it? And aren't they going to squander it?

  3. Anonymous5:09 pm

    I dunno about the appreciation, but they were definitely revelling in something...

  4. Acting like a toddler does not equate with appreciating and revelling in youthfulness. They'll squander their youth and will be old before their time.

  5. You say "if age could", but why not? All we have to do - to give ourselves a permission; you'll see what happens next!

  6. I'll be thinking about that one Tatiana.

  7. What did you want them to do? Cartwheels down the road? THEY MIGHT HAVE BEEN HUNGOVER.

  8. It's well seen my youth is long forgotten Swearing Lady.
