Friday, June 23, 2006

Don't Touch My Stuff!

I’ve had a touch of blogrot going on and it is all CyberScribe’s fault. This Nelly for No. 1 thing makes me nervous and piles on the blogging pressure as well. But here we go and in the best blogging tradition I am going to start with a rant.

I totally hate people who mess with my things. I thoroughly despise people who, in the guise of ‘helping’, put my kitchen stuff in illogical places. Today I was going to make Bert some delicious soda bread to eat with the delectable chicken* broth we created yesterday and I go to my trusty Magimix and find that some bloody tosser has lost/mislaid the blade. It can only be one of two people.

First in the frame is Jazzer. Yes you, you scatty bitch. I know your sluttish ways. You just push everything into cupboards, under carpets and below cushions; God knows where it will turn up if it was you put it away. I sincerely hope not under a cushion or some poor cratur could end up with a lacerated arse.

Second in the frame is Swisser. She is an academic and therefore without a shred of common sense. The blade could be anywhere. Or – in a fit of jealous fury at my superior baking skills and refusal to give her recipes – honestly Swisser I just throw things together, I never use recipes – she has either binned it or hid it in some crazy place.

So now that I’ve got that off my chest I present a list of possible blog topics I’ve been mulling over.

  • The joy of chicken keeping

  • Breasts (not chicken-related)

  • The role of Chep pallets in the Ulster loyalist tradition

  • What shall we do about Harry de Cat?

Any preferences?

*Not from a chicken we knew


  1. Knowing you as I do (after all you were my election agent in a previous poll) I would not be surprised to find that you cheated disgracefully in the CyberScribe poll.

    Are you watching BB? I won't give you a NSFW link for GossipMonkey,com as it would be an occasion of sin for me as a Catholic.

  2. Why do you need a mixer to make soda bread? Have I just been taught to do it the hard way?

  3. Why do I get the feeling that when Beowulf writes a 'little' football he woefully underestimates?

    You don't need a mixer to make soda bread but it saves having to chisel hardened breadmix off the surfaces.

  4. Anonymous4:36 pm

    Now that's good rantage. Random insults and unfair accusations. Proper order.

  5. Oh, I see. Have you found the blade, before somebody gets a hole in their backside?

  6. Blade still missing. And shouldn't you have said an extra hole in their backside? *titter*

  7. I am sure that I don't know what you mean - but like that skittery wart the other night, I know that it is rude.

  8. maybe it should be... Nelly for No 1 Soda Bread maker :-)

  9. Definitely Nelly for No. 1 rhubarb & ginger crumble maker. Yummy!

  10. "rhubarb & ginger crumble" I'm getting hungry
