Tuesday, June 20, 2006

An Invasion of Feral Children

Do you like anagrams? I do.

Here are some of the things I was called at work last night. They are in the form of anagrams so as not to offend the more sensitive among you.

Aft, zirfzy, fcuker, salg, sult and whero.

These epithets were hurled at me during an invasion of feral children. They were not part of our client group.

At least one of the children was drunk. He might have been fourteen. The youngest child was around four or five and he was the most foul-mouthed. It was only a small comfort to me that he probably did not know what he was saying. But I know he knew it to be foul. This is the future.


  1. Anonymous7:34 pm

    And yet people give you funny looks if you even suggest drowning the feckers... It's a disgrace, that's what it is. What these wee buggers need is National Service, that'd sort them out. Or kill them. Neither of which is a bad result, to my mind.

    Oh, and I now have suzie from the Trio ads screaming whero in my head. Which is nice.

  2. I used to live there and it wasn't a bad place at all. It's amazing what an influx of couldn't-give-a-fuckers can do to an area. Can you imagine what sort of excuses of parents have a 14-year-old full drunk (or maybe worse) on a Monday evening? On a school night to boot!

  3. Last week a "young wan" in the village (you know what village) called me a 'yekehc tncu' because I told her off for running rampage thru my gardens trampling my shrubs! But worse still my hubbie decide to "defend my honour" - first and last time I suspect - and proceed to go after and berate the only innocent decent girl there. Turns out 'girl in bright pink sounds' like 'girl in light pink' when a Dubliner says it! As I type we are in hiding in case someone's mother decides to exact revenge!!!

  4. Aft, zirfzy, fcuker, salg, sult and whero - an alternative to Ulster Scots?

  5. Bring back the strap. Spare the rod, etc. Wee shites.

  6. I hunted the drunk one and his cohorts down three flights of stairs which probably contravened some H&S regulation somewhere. Does that count as round-housing? There were about eight of them altogether and they were like a heard of young bullocks let out to spring pasture (but not as cute or as useful)

    Some weans today are thoroughly hateful but there are dacent parents still. Let Mr Bolan, EveMary and their ilk take a bow.

    D'ye think it's all the additives in their food that makes them such heecky ewe stunc? That does sound like a rare form of Ulster Scots.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. In Spanish, "huero" or "huera" is a blonde.

    Whatever makes parents think it's cute, or even OK to allow their kids to talk like that? Or are these parents so far sunk into misery that they just don't care? If so, they need to have their tubes tied!

  9. Think Ronni might have hit the nail on the head. Parents are utterly miserable no-hope types. Sandra's sugestion interesting too but where do you stop?

  10. It's a depressing catch-22.

  11. Unconsciousness and/or bleeding?

  12. Anonymous8:58 am

    I always wonder about parents who don't care for their children. They have been given this precious thing, the reason we are *all* here, and they don't pay them any heed? My first thought when my eldest was born was that everything from then on was to give him the best I could. (I still think that, for all of mine.) You have to be very unselfish when you have dependants.

    I take great pleasure and enjoyment from my children. I would like to say it was good parenting, but they are good children. Fun, happy, balanced, well-behaved, engaging and clever. How can you not take delight from that?

    This is that lack-fo-respect culture that soft left politics brings. *sigh*

  13. Soft-left politics? Is the opposite of that reducing/abolishing welfare benefits for that type of gurrier? If so I'm for it. Biting the hand that feeds you and all that.

  14. Anonymous8:04 pm

    Yeah totally agree - what we need is more hard left politics.

  15. Anonymous8:42 pm

    *chokes on his copy of The Open Society and Its Enemies (Vol2)*

  16. Anonymous10:05 pm

    On channel 4 now there's a show about feral children, there's a dog boy :S :S

  17. Anonymous10:07 pm

    Correction, dog girl

  18. Rats! Missed it.

  19. Anonymous11:14 pm


    If you want a read

  20. Thanks for the link. I give thanks for being reared by good, loving parents. As you've been also.
