Sunday, July 30, 2006


On meeting Ed….

Don’t flatter him – it makes him uncomfortable.

Mention Jeremy Clarkson – he likes Jeremy Clarkson & comics & serious talk about Big Brother (No! Not that Big Brother)

The West Wing? Movies? Perfidy of government? General lad stuff? All good.

Dimples? What dimples?


  1. S'not fair. You get to meet him and the rest of us get to stay at home and wash the bathroom walls.

  2. Anonymous10:49 pm

    And I forgot to dish out the signed photos as well. All the flattery went straight to my head and made me forget the important stuff.

    Damn you, flattery!
    *shakes fist*

  3. I know I'm lucky Sandra - yet curiously I woke up this morning feeling very depressed. Perhaps it was forgetting to ask for the signed photographs.

  4. I bet you would have felt better this morning if the first thing your eyes had seen was a signed photo of Ed, in a nice frame.

  5. Anonymous1:10 pm

    Somehow I doubt that would be the outcome. More likely you'd see a sudden and unwelcome return of the pukerama.

  6. I cannot agree with that last comment. An Ed is very soothing to the stomach. Perhaps Sandra you could research the essence of Edness with a view to marketing it as a cure for biliousness. It might work on a homeopathic principle i.e. a little bit of bile cures a whole lot of biliousness.

  7. That sounds like a much better project than my current one. The only problem is that I may have some difficulty in extracting Essence of Edness, as I think I would have to squeeze him under rollers or something. Maybe he wouldn't mind.

  8. Anonymous11:08 pm

    I fear that this kind of medical malarkey could be the end of me. I knew I should never have signed that donor card...

  9. But you would be giving yourself up for the greater good, Ed. Kind of like Superman. Good advertising slogan, actually, once I get the Essence of Edness figured out. Can't you see it now:
    Essence of Edness: Kind of like Superman

  10. Anonymous8:56 am

    I always knew I'd be a brandname at some point... I just assumed that I'd be around to see it. *sniff*
