Thursday, August 03, 2006

No Spending Month...So Far

1st August - spent nil
2nd August - spent nil

I wanted chocolate, a newspaper and a far

And I must buy road tax and washing up liquid


  1. I was wondering whether you were going to do it! Me I just don't have the will power

  2. Nor do I, but will be following your month with great interest!

  3. Still early days but I'm very determined.

  4. Still keeping purse closed. Bert bought the washing up liquid. Yay! He didn't buy me printer or road tax. Boo! But he did buy me apples to make apple cinnamon sponge.

  5. Anonymous9:51 pm

    I think buying basics like apples and road tax is allowed. Very impressed. Today I bought 3 shirts, two cups of coffee, one piece of cake, two bottles of water, one sandwich, two drinks and a monthly travel card zones 1 - 4. Expensive place London.

  6. You do realise Ganching that I would have to work nearly a week in Tinkerton to be able to afford all that.
