Sunday, August 27, 2006

Poets & Dreamers

What a very pleasant and civilised evening we had yesterday.

Gravy Dave read some of his poetry. And it was good - more than good. We drank wine and talked of many, many things.

Nelly: Why do they call you Gravy Dave?

Gravy Dave: Say again?

Nelly: Your name. Gravy Dave. Why do they call you that?

Gravy Dave: Dunno really.

Jamie: It's because there are so many Daves in Stoke. We have to tell them apart somehow. I once went to a festival with seventeen guys all called Dave!

We spoke of dreams. I told them this.

Nelly: I dreamed I walked out of work and got on a bus for Cushendall. Just as we got there I started to panic. I should be in work! I decided to tell them I'd had a nervous breakdown. What does that mean?

Them: It means you hate your job and you want to leave.

Nelly: Then I dreamed I was at work and I had to make an urgent phone call. I couldn't get the phone to work. I started to panic. What does that mean?

Them: It means you hate your job and you want to leave.

Nelly: Then I dreamed I was in work and I looked down at my leg an there was a big patch where I'd obviously missed shaving. There were long black silky ringletted hairs growing from it. They were about four inches long. I started to panic because I was wearing a skirt and I couldn't hide them. What do you think that means?

Them: It means you hate your job and you want to leave.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:43 am

    Oh Mary - perhaps you hate your job and must leave immediately? I think you would be an ace alternative medicine lady - you could grow all the required herbs in your super-fab garden. I hope everyone is well - not long until you birthday Nelly. I am in the middle of moving house and just got a new job (yippee - no longer restricted to the banality of admin. amy more - woo woo). Ok - speak soon. Lots of love, Mel. x x x x x
