Sunday, August 27, 2006



  1. Can we expect some "terrible twos" behavious then??

  2. Anonymous12:31 pm

    Happy birthday to The Garden. May there be many more to follow, etc etc.

    And I am fearful about this terrible twos behaviour. Will there be more malicious posting of pictures?

  3. Malicious? Surely you meant mischievous?

    Now that I am two I will become all grown up and I won't need my potty (mouth) any more

  4. Congratulations!

  5. Anonymous12:46 pm

    You say potato, I say poh-tah-toe.

  6. Ed I won't put any more pictures of you on this blog unless (in case) I hear from your people.

    Pressure of time etc. etc. means that I will probably have to step down from my self-elected presidency of the IDQCTFC. There are those (damn them) that mutter I should never have been President in the first place.

    So the presidency is vacant. I suggest Sandra as a worthy candidate. Any seconders?

  7. Anonymous3:22 pm

    Don't be encouraging that wee hussy!

  8. Anonymous6:39 pm

    And just after you'd gotten all that headed stationery: "Ms Nelly Moser, President (Self Appointed), IDQCT Fan Club". All those trees will have died for nothing!

  9. Anonymous6:41 pm

    happy birthday to 'the garden'!

    x mikey x

  10. thanks Mikey.

    Ah sure that stationery was no good anyway. They put Ms and I'm a Mrs.

  11. Holy Moses, I go away for a bit of the weekend and find that you are nominating me and Ganching is calling me names in my absence.

    Happy Blogbirthday! I don't want to be President as I don't think I could ever get my claws into him if I had a role in the Organisation.

  12. I thought you could get a far better hoult of him as President. Why do you think I'm stepping down?

  13. Anonymous1:02 am

    I'm still curious as to who had issues with your presidency.

    And over the moon as regards having an Organisation dedicated to my good self, obviously. Woo. And, verily, hoo.

  14. Yes, I'd also like to know who had issues. Got issues? Here's a tissue. I stand firmly behind you, unless there's a signed photo up for grabs, in which case I'd tramp over the Queen to get to it.
