Thursday, September 07, 2006

Nelly Does Charity

During my month of little spending I avoided going into charity shops. It’s surprising how much money you can spend there and although there are bargains to be had it’s unlikely that you actually really need anything that you’ll buy there.

Yesterday I decided to go charity browsing. But I can't have been in a charitable frame of mind. The sour faced biddy there, glowering behind the counter, immediately irritated me. I was also very pissed off at the way the bloody garments keep slipping off their cheap useless hangers. I couldn’t be arsed picking them up like I usually do. As Matty says, “Let them gather them up. Sure it’ll pass the time for when they’ve nothing else to do.”

Seeing nothing else I turned to the the books. There were yards and yards of utter crap. The few half decent books they had I’d read already. I chose a fresher copy of Catcher In The Rye (mine is in tatters) and I saw this.

Thought it looked intriguing. Then I turned it over.

Bloody cheek! Charge me £1.50 for a tattered paperback then try to guilt trip me into bringing it back to them so they can sell it again!

If I'm going to read it then bring it back for others to enjoy I'll be going to the library.


  1. or you could send it to a friend when it's done, keeps it moving.

  2. I'll have to read it first! It'll get moved on for sure but not back to the shop where I bought it.

  3. Anonymous11:05 am


    Would make sense to return book if everything was free in charity shop. Should sue them under trade descritions act! Or take book back and ask assistant for your £1.50 in eschange!

  4. Good advice Manuel. Unfortunately in this country only the very rich and those claiming state benefits can afford to sue.

  5. Anonymous12:22 pm

    Is the same in Spain. maybe good idea to hold candlelit vigil outside shop, hold exorcism of assistants, and harass people going in, take their photographs, throw rotting food at them. Is what we would do.

  6. Anonymous6:31 pm

    read it then take it back to their nearest charitable competitor!! that'll learn 'em!

    p.s-its a good book, maybe just keep it.

    mikey x

  7. I liked Manuel's idea best.

    Mikey the book was OK. Great plot Originally written in Italian. I think it lost something in translation.

  8. Anonymous11:49 am

    Happy birthday Mrs Moser xxxxxxx london sister

  9. Anonymous12:02 pm

    Happy Birthday Mum

  10. Anonymous9:02 pm

    happy birthday nelly

    mikey x

  11. I've had a lovely birthday. Thanks for all the good wishes.

  12. Anonymous1:51 pm

    Many happy returns. You can't blame them for trying, :-)
