Wednesday, September 06, 2006

You Don't Have To Be Mad To Blog Here....But It Helps

So here's me working out my notice and applying for work that pays the minimum wage (if I'm lucky) and what do I do next? Why I trot into town and get all my hair cut off at Dyke-U-Like.

Photo? There are indeed photographs but I'm not ready to share my new Fat Lesbian Look just yet. Maybe later when the fresh hairdressed shininess wears off.

Pearlie loves my new haircut. Which is worrying. Do I like it? Indeed I do. It's an improvement on the previous look - The Mad Mental Patient.


  1. Unless you're looking for some "action" don't go near Belfast, Magherafelt or Killyleagh (Co Down) until your hair grows ;-)

    Mentioning "The Mad Mental Patient" reminds me that Downshire Hospital in Downpatrick is open to the public this weekend. What was that look like? I'm thinking of visiting Downshire. LOL

  2. Thanks for the advice. The MMP look involved hanks of frizzy hair with white roots showing. Reminiscent of someone in the midst of a course of ECT and all that treatment entails.

    Luckily for me Bert,being slightly gay, finds the lesbo look tres appealing.

  3. What about Bert and recently shorn sheep?

  4. We don't live far enough up in the hills for that to be a worry for me.

  5. The new hair do is nice but I'm not sure that I willl take Pearlie's advice and get mine cut short. Do you mind the time in Sainsbiury's when I had my hair cut short and your mate who hadn't seen you in years points to me and says 'And is this your son here' And then there was the time you let the wee manny cut my hair when he was drunk....

  6. It wasn't just your hair that time you got mistaken for a wee lad. It was your whole look - boyfriend jeans, builder's bum, rugby shirt.

    As for the Wee Manny Incident. We were all very, very drunk at the time and it was at that point you should, probably, have been taken into care.

  7. Anonymous6:34 pm

    see photies of your hair short afore...looked lovely nelly-but then i also like a lass with shortish hair...proof may be needed?

    mikey x
