Sunday, February 11, 2007

Cheer Up. Why Don't You?

I had a little episode last night when everything just got too much for me. I was making supper at the time. What sparked it off? Well, for a start, Bert brought the wrong sort of cabbage. So it was that I was quietly sobbing into the cottage pie when Swisser, the first of our supper guests, arrived.

Hi everyone! Here I am!


Are you alright?

No. I'm not

What's wrong. Is Bert being horrible to you?

No. He's been very good to me.

Well never mind. Here's a celeriac. That should cheer you up. It's organic.



  1. Anonymous12:58 am

    take care nelly

    mikey xx

  2. Anonymous3:07 am

    I've been fretting about you being 'down'...and hope things look brighter soon! I've had the odd 'weeps' myself recently but an unexpected visit from the Darling Daughter and The Best Son-in-Law (in my world) last evening went a long way to chase the blues.
    Maybe an early Spring will boost us both!
    Take care. I love the voice you give to life.

  3. Aw, Nelly. I'm sorry to hear you are feeling so glum. Hope you feel better soon. *Bloghug.*

  4. we all have wrong cabbage days, but I hope you feel better for it.

  5. It was the curly stuff I wanted! That hard white cabbage is useless for cooking. I only like it in coleslaws and other salads.
