Monday, February 12, 2007

The Ship Was Stupid Too

I watched a film last night - The Day After Tomorrow. It was tosh. I think I was awake while it was on but there were so many loopholes and inconsistencies that robbed it of sense. I had the impression that the original movie was about a week long and that they edited it down to a load of unbelievable bollocks. And whose idea was the wolves? Wolves just don't act like that. No matter how cold and hungry they are.

And reporters out doing live broadcasts with no hats on! In the worst weather ever! And you take refuge in a library, probably the only building in the city not bursting with food. And you burn books to keep warm? Bert says books make hopeless fires. I wonder how he knows that?

Jake Gyllenhall was crapola and the guy who played his dad - who was he? I vaguely know his face from somewhere. One of those bland, forgettable faces.

So that's how I put in an hour and a half last night. When I could have been blogging. Blogging about the collapse of my political ambitions. For now I know I'll never lead a major political party, not with the number of people who've passed me a doozie in my day.


  1. Was it Dennis Quaid?

    ANYWAY, yeah, that film was utterly scutterly. I too got all riled up over the misrepresentation of the wolves, seeing as I own one. And how come they didn't burn the vast amounts of furniture before the books? I suppose that wouldn't have been as earth-shatteringly symbolic, bleh.

  2. Anonymous9:58 am

    I can only concur with all that: books do make shite fires; the wolves were stupid; where did the crew of the ship go; why the hell would you be walking into NY from that angle; why didn't the US army heavy divisions (all based in Texas) just move the US border a few hundred miles south instead of all this negotiation malarkey?

    Of course, there was one redeeming factor: Emmy Rossum. Damn, she fine.

  3. I had set out to watch that film.
    Glad I didn't now.
    I watched somehthing else instead.

  4. Anonymous1:10 pm

    I liked it, enjoyable sci-fi romp with some nice effects.

  5. Anonymous3:14 pm

    Dennis Quaid was married to Meg Ryan, and isn't it sad that I know that? The only films I can think of that he was in are 'Innerspace' and the last remake of 'The Parent Trap'.

    I watched the first ten minutes, then came back for the wolves, which may have improved my experience of the film. Couldn't work out why they didn't burn the doors, which looked good sturdy timber. My husband said they needed the doors to keep the heat in, but that'd only apply to the room they were in.

  6. Anonymous4:54 pm

    I hate to point to the dead elephant in the room but this was a film about the north American continent being plunged into an ice age in a day, picking on the fictional wolves or the fictional fire making seems a tad unfair?

  7. There was something about that film that defied the normal suspension of belief that makes movies enjoyable. May be it was the laying on thick of cliches, maybe it was stuff like how come every other bugger who went outside turned into a human icicle except Dennis Quaid and his chum.

    And of course the hobo made it, and his cute dog and the kid with cancer..

    Face was a parcel of shite.

    Tonight I watched Some Cute Kid With A Pointy Head and really enjoyed it.

  8. I have no problem with suspending disbelief. But this tries to have a message and pseudo-science mixed in with that message. The film makers seem to expect the audience to suspend disbelief and still accept the message, and it just doesn't work.

    And was this Pointy Headed Kid on screen, or were you just mocking the afflicted?

  9. Anonymous10:57 am

    As much as it's a waste of time analyzing it in the detail you have it's a waste of time me defending it. It was a good big screen popcorn flick, if you judged it as real science or thought it carried some message you are soft in the head.

    Watch 'An Inconvenient Truth', this level of critique might make more sense there.

  10. Sheesh! It was only a silly film.

    This brave kid was born with a pointy head (and that was the least of his worries) but then kind and benevolent doctors took him to America and de-pointed him. He returned to his home Uganda but America had got to him and he couldn't wait to get back.

    A happy ending - sort of.

  11. Anonymous11:37 pm

    You said you wanted indepth discussion on your posts.

    There's no pleasing you.

  12. Who said I wasn't pleased? I'm dee-lighted. Keep it up.
