Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The Bastard Got Bernie Too!

Bernie, originally uploaded by NellyMoser.

That's it! Fox-hunting to be reintroduced at Nellybert's. It's not as if they're scarce.


  1. You know......., this mean war.

    I'd be out every night waiting to ventilate Mr Reynard after an incident like that.

  2. Good news about Bernie. She was only clocking. She turned up this morning. Foxy is still in her sights...as soon as Bert gets back from Spain.

    So...we have a black bantie sitting on her own eggs and a white bantie sitting on two goose eggs. The goslings should hatch out around the weekend. Haven't a lot of hope for the bantam eggs - Bernie has yet to hatch anything. She's too dizzy.

  3. There's nothing in the hunting legislation restrictions regarding rocket-propelled grenades...

  4. I'm afraid all the RPGs in private hands have been 'put beyond use' so it'll have to be the .22 or the shotgun.

  5. It'll have to be the shotgun then. The .22 isn't powerful enough to take out a fox in one go. Ok, ok, it might be but a clean kill is what is needed. Unecessary suffering is, well, unnecessary.

    RPG for fox hunting?..well, it would put the fun back into it, eh?

  6. Bert said it used to be a laugh going fox-hunting with his da. the oul fellow was trigger happy and Bert said he spent most of his time lepping out of Johnny's line of fire while the foxes split their ginger sides laughing at the stupid humans.

    Johnny also hated birds of prey and was under the impression that the airspace above his farm was exempt from bird protection legislation.

  7. Oh, send me a tail for my wall, it'll freak out the pasty veggies when they visit. :)

  8. Anonymous1:40 pm

    close call with bernie, bet she's counting her lucky feathers. how longs the fella in spain for, wee holiday?

    good luck on the hunt, i'm sure hugh fernley would have a delicious recipe for said foxy.

    mikey x

    p.s. well done with the exam results!

  9. Bert's in Deltebre. Until Saturday. If we ever get Foxy the tail is yours Ms Toast.

    Don't know if Reynard could be eaten. He's supposed to taste rank. Remember what is said about the Hunting Fraternity, 'the Unspeakable in pursuit of the Inedible.'

    Thanks for encouragement re exam. I'm supposed to be revising now!

    Stop! Distracting! Me!

  10. Yay!! I love a foxy tail. :)
