Monday, June 04, 2007

The Damage Done

While I was in Norfolk Bert phoned me to say that there had only been 'one breakage'. Well, excuse me but, I think that a salt and a pepper cellar constitutes two breakages. When I told him what they'd cost he said, "They seen you coming," and "The cat done it."

I was really peeved about it and let him know I was and then my three children all moaned at me for moaning at Bert and that reminded me of what I'd done to his van door* the night of the party and he was really nice about it - just laughed it off, so I phoned him back and said it didn't matter about the TG Green salt & pepper set and he was pleased.

And Foxy got my darling gammy-legged Patsy Hen. The bastard!

*We don't talk about that.


  1. Well, *now* I'm curious about the van door. :)

  2. If it ever comes out I might need a lawyer!

  3. Well, you're in luck! Just be sure that whatever happened/happens only happens in my specific jurisdiction, 'cuz it's the only place I'm licensed. :)

  4. We'll have to hope it never comes out because I've got a feeling your licence doesn't cover County Antrim misdemeanours.
