Monday, November 05, 2007

Best Diet Book Ever

Aaargh! No weight loss this week either. I've stayed the same and that despite trying really hard. I only drank alcohol once, I had hardly any chocolate and I walked every day. I was complaining to Ganching about it and she said,

Sure didn't Shauna spend eight months losing and gaining the same 4 lbs before she got her weight loss back on track. By the way have you got your copy of her book yet?

Thank God! It was in the post when I got back from the weigh in. Just when I needed a bit of inspiration. I wonder did she spend eight months stuck over the same four pounds?


  1. hehehe! hope things get moving for you soon, i doooo know how bloody frustrating that can be!!!

  2. Having you comment will inspire me even more. But seriously, having read your blog Shauna, I do feel inspired - just to keep on going. For instance this week I intend to move my ass a bit more than I've been doing recently. Small steps...

    No actually - big long steps and speedy ones too!

  3. I've only lost 8 lbs in months and months.

    I still have at LEAST 30 to go!

  4. Ronni - if you're managing to eat properly and maintain your weight then, taking into account what else is going on in your life, you're doing just great.
