Tuesday, November 06, 2007

We All Do It

Bloggers can be divided into two groups - those that write about shit i.e. Dan Tobin, Twenty Major and those that are far too nice and ladylike ever to write about such matters - I'm thinking about bloggers such as Ganching and Mr Bolan here. Of course there are bloggers that simply write shit but we won't go there. There are none on my blogroll - maybe on yours?

So it was today that I was thinking about all the euphemisms that are used to describe the act of evacuating one's bowels -such as doing number two, having a poo or taking a dump.

I like the expression 'coiling one down'. What's your favourite?


  1. Anonymous11:56 pm

    dump my load ;)

  2. Anonymous8:03 am

    Dropping the kids off at the pool

  3. Anonymous6:49 pm

    dropping the kids off at the pool, yes..a classic. Also, "releasing the hounds" is a favorite of mine and my sister's.

  4. Pinching off a loaf.

  5. Anonymous4:45 am

    To 'Release a chocolate hostage'.

    Sounds generous, somehow.

  6. My little brother was fond of announcing that he was "Off to the hole to take a grunt."
