Sunday, November 11, 2007

Day Out In Stroke City

Yesterday Zoe and I went on a trip to Derry. We went on a train that smelled of farts. In Derry we walked the walls, took in some history and visited some shops. There are three shops in Derry that are well worth every penny of the train fare - even if you just go in to look.

I really like a proper old-fashioned book shop and Foyle Books is just that. I complimented the proprietor on the delightfulness of his shop and he said,

That's a nice compliment all the way from Scotland!

It's Ballymena actually but I know what you mean.

He was a Surn Ironer himself so I excused the mistake. Once in London an African stopped to ask me directions. I said I couldn't help him as I was from Ireland myself. He said,

Oh what part of Ireland are you from? Dublin or Glasgow?

Another interesting shop, and forgive me - for in my hurry to get inside and look around I didn't note the name, was devoted to quilts and quilting. In my youth I was keen on patchwork and would have thought I was in heaven if I'd had access to such glories. But a part of me thought it was too easy to have such awesome fabrics to hand. I trawled jumble sales and recycled garments to make my quilts.

But by far the best shop was this one.

And here are some of the the treasures to be found within.

I fear I must have lived among the Protestants too long for I only recognised Mother Teresa. Does anyone recognise any of her heavenly chums?


  1. Likely Mary behind the image of Ma Tess. And I'd say Michael is the angelic figure with Lucifer underfoot, as he chucked him out of Heaven. I know that because I watched the Hollywood movie of the same name.

  2. "on a train that smelled of farts" Haha. I think if I was on a train I'd try and hold them in ;-)

    That doll picture, is it the Spice Girls?

  3. Anonymous4:48 am

    Just think! A whole city full of people who sound like Brian!

    I'm surprised you bothered to come home again!

  4. A whole city full of people who sound like Brian!

    Is this about me?

    It is, isn't it?

    Also....I think I see Maid Marian in that photo from the Holy Shop.

  5. Poor old Lucifer, what did he ever do to the stupid angel. :(

  6. Anonymous7:00 pm

    Beaky, Mick and Tich?
