Monday, November 12, 2007

What A Load Of Junk

Restrictions on television junk food adverts do not properly protect children, say researchers.

A report by Which? magazine concludes that children are still exposed to adverts that promote foods with high sugar, salt and fat content.

So they are proposing a 9pm watershed.

Like junk-fed brats really do go to bed at 9pm. And don't the parents have any say as to what children eat? Or do they pay Child Benefit directly to the kids these days?

"Parents have a role to play in improving their children's diet, but they need some support in exercising that responsibility, and part of that is not subjecting their kids to wall-to-wall junk food advertising before 9pm."

I'd say that the responsibility lies squarely with the parents. And the only support they should need is that food companies and suppliers offer foodstuffs that are wholesome and healthy. It seems a bit crazy that people are being sold food that is such filthy poison that it can only be promoted after a 9pm watershed. So why is it still legal then?


  1. As a parent, I agree with you - it is the responsibility of parents, not some nanny-state, to decide what to feed their own children. I will add one more thing that parents need though, and that is "honesty from the food manufacturers". Clear packaging, no misleading claims, no doctored-to-sound-better ingredient lists. We can't make good decisions if we don't have all the information.

  2. Parents are fighting an uphill battle against the influence of advertisers. The advertisers have targetted children specifically in the past ten years. I think this practice is insidious. Advertising at rational thinking adults is one thing but at children who haven't got adult reasoning yet?

    I agree that a nnay state is not the way to go at all but advertising directly to children is something I am opposed to.

    Advertising works, that's wahy billions are spent on it.

  3. I did mean nanny state you know.

  4. It didn't work in our house. I'd have been most unimpressed if my lot had started whinging for the stuff that was on the telly. But then that was over twenty years ago. Before cheese strings and bargain buckets.
