Thursday, December 13, 2007

I Had A Dream (I Woke Up Screaming)

Can you guess which fellow blogger I dreamed about last night? Semi-nudity (theirs) was involved.

Clue: I have actually met this blogger.


  1. Anonymous12:54 pm

    Probably the Byronically good looking one...

    And when did Blogger stop me adding a link to my name, eh?

  2. Wrong. Not Beowulf.

    As for Blogger - don't know what it's playing at!

  3. That's tough. I don't know. Tell me!

  4. Anonymous2:24 pm

    I think you need to give more clues... Does it involve moleskin?

  5. No moleskin was being worn in my dream. Here's another clue for you - it was not about any blogger that I've already seen (photos of) half-naked so that excludes you Handsome Ed!

  6. Anonymous2:38 pm

    Sssh, Nelly. They'll all be wanting those photos if they know about them...

    Now, back to the question: male or female?

  7. There was a hint of boobage but the dreamboat in question was all man.

  8. Anonymous3:58 pm

    Define 'boobage'? Are we talking about proper moobs here?

  9. Ed - it was a dream. In my dream this personage had manboobs. Why do you think I woke up screaming?

  10. Anonymous4:13 pm

    See, I think a proper pair of manboobs would set this picture off quite nicely, so I'll say Stray T.

  11. You win the 20 foot Christmas tree. Again.

  12. Anonymous7:39 pm

    Me? Gosh and crikey. Honoured, I suppose. And maybe a little disturbed. Whyfor was I was (semi) neekid?

  13. It was a warm evening.

    But a lie that I woke up screaming. It was a nice dream I had. I used it to draw in some commenting as I guessed the mention of fellow bloggers and nakedness would pique some interest.
