Thursday, December 13, 2007

News (To Me) From The Island Of Ireland

Listening to the radio on the way to work and I hear about the opening of the new Ikea store.
Apparently this is a first for 'The Island of Ireland' as Ikea likes to put it. The police have put special arrangements in place for fear of a repeat of the carnage that took place in Edmonton in February 2005. 

For it seems that vast hordes of Islanders will be streaming towards Ikea today. It is said that the entire Island is abuzz with excitement about the opening of this store.

So why am I only hearing about it today? I missed that Clockwork Orange opening too.


  1. You didn't know!!!

  2. A huge store full of modernist square stuff. Some things are useful, but a lot is only good if you are an efficiency maven.

  3. Anonymous4:52 pm

    I told you this almost two years ago!
