Wednesday, July 29, 2009

"emotionally I don't always feel like an apple"

So says this young woman who lost 16 stone, bringing her weight down to around 22 stone. Sadly this great weight loss led to her Disability Living Allowance being withdrawn and now she has to manage on basic Income Support with added Incapacity Benefit (for her depression). That's £600 per month. She can't afford Weight Watchers grub any more and snacks on 4 packets of crisps at a time. She says it snot fair and she's already put on three stone since receiving the NHS operation that helped her to lose weight.

The original source for this story is the ghastly Daily Mail but still...

Laura Ripley has to snack on cheap choccy bars and Space Invaders crisps now that the expensive Weight Watchers cereal bars and fat reduced crisps are unaffordable. She knows apples are cheaper but still...

Just another hundred quid a month would put her life to rights, she says. She'd be able to stick to her diet and be eligible for the loose skin trim op that she'd get on the NHS. Then she'll be able to get a job and begin contributing to society.

Cheers anyway Missus for one of the best lines I've ever heard. I have every sympathy. Emotionally, I don't always feel like an apple either.


  1. I'm beginning to look like one!

  2. Me too, Ronni and it's such a hard shape to dress!

  3. I'm working on a series of designs involving pastry...

  4. Will that mean you'll be an Apple Pie? Which we Irish would call an Apple Tart.

  5. I got something free today! My Smart Pass for travelling on local transport. Anyone know what a bus looks like?

  6. Big red thing? Wheels go round and round?

  7. To paraphrase Norman Tebbit, she should get on her exercise bike.

  8. And the beauty of that suggestion is - she can still watch her seven hours television per day!
