Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Matty's 83rd

'Twas Matty's eighty-third birthday today. I called on her after work. You couldn't see the ornaments on the mantelpiece a-tall for all the cards. She'd had company all day. The phone hadn't stopped ringing. The bould Hannah got there before me and she was in fine Granny-lovin' form. She didn't stop at Matty either as she made a very fine impression on the visitors and carried on the Old-Girl Charming on Pearlie when we got home.

I'm told that Hannah makes awesome panada. I'll not be trying it. Not for a while anyway.


  1. A very Happy Birthday to Matty. What is a panada?

  2. Panada is a concoction of soft white bread, softened with boiling water and served with sugar and milk. It is relished by old-fashioned, toothless people. May I never eat it!

  3. Belated Birthday Greetings to Matty.

    We had a different name for your Panada. My mother called it 'goody' and I think my father saw it as comfort food! I of course, hated the smell of the warm milk!

  4. Happy 83d to Matty and may she have many more.

    Your panada sounds like what we called graveyard stew - often served when one was a little under the weather. I liked it when I was a kid. My sis and I would sometimes make our own with cream & sugar on bread - skip the water.

  5. Matty had a great birthday and never a drop of panada passed her lips!

    She dined on Pasta Bake and Cinnamon Fruit Cake provided by her granddaughters.

    I shall pass on all your kind wishes.

  6. Matty is the same age as mine own dear, sainted mother, Doris. And probably about as easy to get on with. Still, 83! Good job.

  7. She said, "Everyone is making such a fuss of my birthday! It's only 83. Not special."

    Long may Doris and Matty continue.
