Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Happy Birthday Katy Bo!

katy in the buttercups, originally uploaded by NellyMoser.

It is Katy's birthday today - and it is her last as a single lady. Hope she is wearing a happier face today.


  1. Oh this photo is adorable and tugs at my little heart..

  2. Yes - it is tragic when little babies are dumped in buttercup fields. It is a wonder she still speaks to me!

  3. I know you were hoping for a sunny smiling babe among the golden buttercups photo. 'Fess up now. How many pics did you snap before you finally rescued the the poor wee piteously wailing child?

    That tiny hand reaching out to you is just heart rending.

    Great picture. Very real.

    Happy Birthday, Katy!

  4. A few. That was the only one remotely in focus.

    I had very little sense when I was young. It's a wonder the children survived!

  5. You were/are the best, Nelly!
