Sunday, December 06, 2009

Three Things

The kitchen island is nearly finished. The top has been tiled and tomorrow it shall be grouted. The shelves are full of saucepans and a cat. The cat thing might be a problem but we shall overcome it. I think a little water spray bottle might discourage them.

That's one thing.

Another thing is that I took Miss Martha Christmas shopping today. We had a nice time. She mostly slept and I mostly spent money. We're thinking of doing it again next Sunday.

That's two things.

And the last thing is - I got an email asking me to place an advertising link on the blog. Something about sport and betting. I declined. They would have paid me. I don't care for sport and I wouldn't want to encourage gambling. Did I do right?


  1. I got the same email I think; they seem to just be working their way through thon webring that Dave set up.

    A pox on them, sez I.

  2. I think I did right too.

  3. Anonymous12:34 pm

    Was it Green Beanz or Hooley or someone else altogether?

  4. Snap - I rejected Laura Fox's advances too! In my book, we all did the right thing.

  5. Anonymous1:54 pm

    FWIW on my old blog, I had a google text ad on two popular pages (not the homepage) that made enough to cover hosting for the year (~£100). You don't have to go all NASCAR.

  6. It's not the idea of advertising that worries me as much as the fact that I am personally anti-gambling.

    What do you mean by NASCAR Beowulf? Has it a meaning other than the usual one?

  7. Anonymous2:38 pm

    NASCAR, adverts on every available square inch.

    Ah, I thought this was an anti advertising thing. Down with gambling and all that.

  8. Anonymous2:41 pm

    ...but in terms of advertising I have thought that some enterprising young thruster from the local business world should have gathered you lot all up by now and placed discreet adverts for Harry Corry's Christmas sale and what not.

  9. Sarky byronic git! Harry Corry indeed.

    And, seeing as I'm coming over all sanctimonious these days, I'll have you know that words like 'thruster' are not allowed on this blog. For it makes Our Lady cry.

  10. Anonymous3:19 pm

    Hey! It was couched in a bit of humour but it wasn't sarcastic, someone even liked the idea so much they started a company from it…

    What's our lady's problem with thrusting then?

  11. Just teasing you, you sensitive boy.

    According to legend Our Lady never got any, so she hates to hear it mentioned.

    She also hates to hear girls whistling.

    As children we were told, every time you whistle it makes Our Lady cry.
    I was OK as I couldn't whistle no matter how hard I tried.

  12. I didn't say no because of the principle. Or because of the gambling. No, it was because they seemed shoddy and amateurish. If I'm about to sell out, I want it to be to people who I trust to come up with the money...
