Monday, July 11, 2011

Biking It

Matty and I went out for a bike ride probably a quarter of a century ago. I can't recall very much about it. I only know that I was with her for that is my blue ladies racer lying in the hedge. It's not that good a photograph - I should have got all of Matty's bike in there and avoided those pylons. And yet - it is a good picture. Look at her happy, happy face.

It is one of those pictures taken in the olden days that were not considered good enough for a frame or an album, just one of those photographs thrown in a box and forgotten about. Then decades pass and everything changes and then they become precious. That bike ride I can barely remember but there she is. We must have enjoyed ourselves for just look at her happy, happy face.


  1. You look so like Matty!

    Now all you need is to go cycyling with one of your daughters and have another photo taken to continue the story, Maybe this time have little Martha in the picture too in her car!

  2. I was just thinking I should do that Grannymar.

  3. I'm with GM, you should continue the theme...
    and she does look so happy.
