Thursday, July 07, 2011

The Horticulturist's Apprentice

Martha takes her duties as trainee horticulturist seriously. Here she is testing strawberries. She also tested blueberries but we don't have a photograph as we were too busy testing them ourselves.

Martha surveys the vegetable plot. She likes to confuse the senior gardeners by switching labels around. She thinks that if we can't tell a turnip from a carrot by now we should get ourselves another occupation.

She casts her eye over Bert's clematis to ensure that they are ready for selling on.

Here we find the little gardener potting on some of Great-granny's house plants. This job was seriously overdue and it took Martha's encouragement for Granny Nelly to get a wriggle on!


  1. I could do with that young lady in my garden. Are her rates reasonable?

  2. Anonymous11:02 pm

    nice one Nel! says London Sister

  3. Grannymar - she works for strawberries, blueberries and cuddles. That's pretty reasonable, is it not?

    LS - just an excuse really to post lots of photographs of Martha. But it is a pleasure working along with her. I do think she is genuinely interested in the growing process.

  4. absolutely LOVE the LEAP photo

  5. Thanks John. It was an unexpected delight for me too.

  6. How's wonderful that you're getting her started so early :)
