Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Early To Bed, Early To Rise

As 2011 wore on I found myself getting into the unfortunate habit of sleeping far too late. This was not good. One sluggard (Bert) in our family is more than enough. Setting the alarm for a sensible time did not work for me. Unless I really had to get up I rolled over for another snooze. My getting up time was creeping towards ten o'clock and sometimes after ten! So I devised this cunning plan. I would set my alarm for 8:30am. If, the next morning, I obeyed its call, on the next night I would set it one minute earlier and if I had been slugabed it would stay at the previous night's setting. Today I got up at 7:59am. If all continues to go well I will be jumping out of bed at seven o'clock by the 24th March which which just happens to be one day before British Summer Time when the clock goes forward one hour.

So what will happen then? I'll have to let you know. But my ultimate plan is to be getting up at six o'clock. And then I shall be healthy, wealthy and wise.


  1. Gosh, that's pretty good. I probably would sleep in forever if my other half didn't show up with coffee at 0530. LOL

  2. My hubby is notoriously bad at getting up in the morning so I have to make my own coffee.

  3. Six is a perfectly fine time to get up in the morning. Especially if you have an idiot dog and they get a bit too excited if the park is busy for their morning walk.

  4. I fully intend to be an early riser this summer. Six it shall be. At a minute earlier a day and ignoring the time change I'll be there by April.

    Are you enjoying your dog Ed? I think you m
    ust be. You seem to prefer dog to blog. I was going to say dogging to blogging but it didn't have the same ring to it.

  5. I am enjoying the dog. Not necessarily enjoying apologising to people that the dog as startled, or to other dog owners who Roxy has had disagreements with. But that's the fun of getting a staffie from the pound, I suppose.

  6. Fine dogs Staffies. I've met Marc's and he is a great fellow. Young Rooney has a Staffie as well. A big softie but strong as an ox.
