Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Well Hello!

Some things I like very much about this new template and they are...

  • I have followers! Who knew?
  • It is really easy to add people to my links list. This is something that I have neglected for a long time because it was such a tedious task.
  • I now go to my blog to check up on who is updating and it is a much pleasanter place to do so than dull old Google Reader.
All good - so far.


  1. Crisp, clean and simple, it is like eating at a table covered is fresh starched linen.

  2. That's a lovely comparison.

  3. Crawls out of the woodwork to admire your new template....I've been following your blog anonymously for quite a while now and really enjoy it.

  4. Glad to see you have delrked yourself Claire!

  5. Yes, and I like it because of the simplicity to read and enjoy. :)
