Monday, June 03, 2013

Eight Years

Daddy in his Sunday best. He had probably called to my house to bring the girls and I to Mass. For sure I'd never have gone if he hadn't made the effort to pick us up. Afterwards we would usually go out to Drumkeeran for Sunday lunch.

I'd say, in the photograph, that he was probably only a little bit older than I am now.

I still have that old map but I don't have him. He is eight years gone today.

Still missed. Still remembered.



  1. Anonymous12:46 am

    yes - still missed, very much so London sister

  2. What a nice smile. I am so grateful for pictures.

    Great tree house too. Hey, I am into my seventies and say...go to it girl.

  3. leitrim sister7:47 am

    lovely photo sis.
    Can I book the tree house for the party???

  4. Thank you Mage and Dede. Tree house available for parties as long as you take out your own insurance! Cannot be responsible for all those falling bodies.
