Sunday, June 02, 2013

The Tree House Progresses

 The four beech trees

 Erecting supports

Laying the platform

It is kind of awesome. I have always wanted a tree house but lacked the trees. Then we got this place with mature beeches galore. Then we got ourselves a new friend who loves tree houses, who has the skills, the enthusiasm, the tools and the encouragement to make this dream a reality. So what if I'm nearly sixty! I'm beginning to realise that the good things that happen when we are older are what we appreciate the most. This knee, this hip is getting better for I am going to spend some time in the trees. Lucky, lucky me.


  1. This so cool, please keep the pics coming. Hey, I would love a tree house, and I'm 67. You know you could have a zip line too...

  2. I'll mention it to the chief builder.

  3. And the doctor said ?

  4. Haven't got that length yet. Feeling a little better.
