Tuesday, December 31, 2013

That Was The Year That Was

Judy, Bonnie & Jess. Picture taken only weeks before Bonnie was put to sleep.

 I have been reviewing my year and at first ponder it seems as if it has been rather uneventful. For instance, the most interesting thing that happened last January was Martha and Evie building their first snowman and me taking a short movie of Evie stamping in a puddle. February wasn't much better as the highlight of the month was Jess' first trip to the beach.

In March I went to Fanad with the girls and their parents and although it was an enjoyable trip it was very cold. Roll on summer! And what a good summer it was.

Les erected a tiny little poly tunnel beside our big one and crammed it full of peppers, tomatoes and squash. Bonnie took her very last holiday to Fanad and, poor lamb, did not have the strength to make it to the beach. A month later she died.

In May Rusty knocked me down again and I spent weeks limping on a twisted knee. The treehouse project began.

July brought Leitrim Sister's amazing birthday celebration and a great family get together in that rushy county. Back home we had the drama of the sudden branch drop just beside the tree house and swing and moments after children had been playing there. Needless to say, the huge branch has been converted to logs long ago.

End of July and early August brought my trip to Vancouver to meet up with the BC branch of the family. A great time was had by me.

In September I celebrated my 60th birthday with another family get together and a super night's craic in the BT club.

Also in September, everyone was saddened by the death of local poet and Nobel Laureate, Seamus Heaney. A great man, gone too soon.

October. Nothing happened and if it did I seem not to have recorded it.

In November I finally got around to getting my SmartPass (free bus and rail pass) and started getting out a bit more.

Then Christmas came. In December I blogged every day apart from yesterday. We had visitors who stayed until after midnight and I was too tired and didn't want to cheat by changing the date on a stop gap post. So. Today is New Year's Eve and a few folk are coming over tonight and I hope it will be a fairly quiet night. I might take a day or two off blogging to rest my muse.

Throughout the year I made a lot of wine. 25 gallons to be exact.

A very happy New Year to all that come here. See you in 2014!


  1. To me that sounds like a very eventful year - have a wonderful 2014!

  2. Thank you Claire and I hope for an excellent 2014 for you and yours!

  3. Not a bad year Nelly. Enjoy this evening, the rest to follow and may 2014, be bright and healthy for all at Nellyberts!

  4. Thank you Marie and perhaps you and I, using the excellent SmartPass, can meet up in the city for a coffee come 2014?

  5. Happy new year. Here in SF it is still early morning so you will see in the NY long before me. Let's hope 2014 is eventful in a good way.

  6. Hurrah to that! NZ and Oz have it all over and done with.

  7. Happiest of New Years you ol broad from the oldest broad...
    Best to all of you at NellyBerts in the coming year. Let's rock it!

  8. That sounds like an adventuresome, just right, year to me. Happy new year, and may you have another good year. Sending sunshine from here,.

  9. Leitrim Sister10:24 am

    hope 2014 is good to you. Thank you for the december blog xxx
