Sunday, January 05, 2014

Starting The Year

Where did I ever find the time and energy to blog every day? Here is a catch up.

New Year's Day

I was very tired. All our guests went home except Hannah who went to bed early. Bert and I had a quiet and uneventful night in front of the television. It was blissful.


Martha and Evie were here for the day. Three of us to look after them! That meant they got to run wild as each of us kept thinking someone else was in charge. At one point I found them in the dunghill splashing happily around with Ziggy. Thankfully they had their welly boots on. Ziggy had to be showered which was a lot of fun for everyone except Ziggy.

Later that evening we all went to the Alternative Medicine Theatre pantomime. It was Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood. Martha instructed me to war a lovely dress and Bert to put on nice, clean clothes. We obliged. She herself wore a lovely dress, a sparkly ring, lip gloss and a dab of perfume to mask the faint aroma of dung. There had been no time for a bath. Evie and Zoe wore jeans despite Martha's protests. Martha's Dad was allowed to just wear his clothes. I think she must consider him a lost cause.

The pantomime was great fun. Martha was suitably unnerved by the Sheriff of Nottingham but enthralled by the Spirit of the Greenwood (a fairy). Zoe and Evie did not stay for the entire show as Evie was extremely tired. Afterwards we met the cast. Martha was still not sure about the Sheriff but she was delighted when the Spirit of the Greenwood admired her ring.


Spent all day cleaning house. Jakers came round and he and Bert spent the afternoon playing tin whistles. I picked up Ben and Jazzer for they were needed on Saturday.

I phoned a good friend who had a hospital appointment that day. He had worrying news. Nothing definite but huge cause for concern.


On Saturday we had our long-planned Day Out In Belfast. Jazzer stayed behind to look after Pearlie while Nellybert, the girls and Ben headed for the Big Smoke. Martha has requested we go to the Ulster Museum and that's what we did but of course we visited the Palm House and the Tropical Ravine in Botanic Gardens as well.

Martha and Evie love the Ulster Museum and are fairly regular visitors. It has been two years since Hannah and I were there with Martha and I don't expect she remembers it. These days she is the Boss Of The Ulster Museum and knows where everything is. We had a lovely afternoon but I was so tired. I was glad to have Ben and Bert to help.

Martha spent ages in this costume. She was with Ben when she first spotted it and another little girl attempted to take it. Martha had a tight grip on the outfit and a determined expression on her face. The other girl had to give in. Poor Ben couldn't cope. He turned to me and said, I can't handle this. Can you take over? I got her into the costume and added a hoop petticoat. Martha was in another world. Didn't matter that the room was full of other children, that there was lots going on, that it was noisy. She dipped those skirts and floated around, another girl altogether.


Tired. Reading a great book. Dentist tomorrow.


  1. Martha looks every bit the lady in that costume, but I am sure it would soon get in the way back at Nellyberts!

    Hope 2014 is a good one for you and all the family!

  2. You're right. It wouldn't look as fresh after a trample through the midden.

  3. She's lovely. I would have liked to see the three of you in clean clothes tho. :) What fun....all but the smell.
