Sunday, January 12, 2014

Another Week Passes By

A whole week without blogging a thing!

I'm in the post-Christmas doldrums. The thing is, sometimes Nelly's Garden feels a little too full. I could write what's in my heart but then someone might read it who might be hurt that I didn't talk to them face to face.

I've been grumpy recently, not sleeping much and have not been getting on well with folk. I'm good with Bert though so that is a blessing.

Going to dust off the SmartPass tomorrow and head to Belfast. Maybe buy some books and do a bit of walking, clear away the cobwebs.


  1. Anonymous8:10 pm

    you get out of the house and cheer yourself up says London Sister

  2. I so wish I could come with you.

  3. I had a lovely day. Cobwebs well blown away.

  4. Glad you had a good day out. The same malady seems to over come me. Cranky, wanting no one giving me orders, praying that all the people in the mix here are going to see the bigger picture...ugh Then I got a bad bug, and no hot tub in sight...
    Damn I hate whiners don't you?

  5. Leitrim Sisiter9:24 am

    glad you got rid of the cobwebs and to be all positive and everything we are on the right side of winter there is a stretch in the days already xxx

  6. January is a grim month here in the Northern hemisphere. And Brighid, if you're talking about what I think you're talking about there is no big
    picture for our elders. Life is all about the minutiae.

  7. I have so many questions for you, as you've been down this path before me...

  8. I don't know if I could. It's all different depending on the circumstances. I'm lucky for I'm doing it for one person with total support from Bert and, this being the UK, lots of free help from the state. If I could say one thing it is this - try not to give in to a negative way of thinking. I did that for years and it was soul-destroying. Also, look for the humour.

  9. Thanks, I'm getting it sorted around. Have lots of help with an outstanding free system here, and we are now making good progress. Just a fine line to walk with so many involved having their own agendas...
