Sunday, April 05, 2015

Easter Sunday

There was an encouraging comment from Brighid about this series of posts on my Flickr pictures which was very much appreciated for I was beginning to think nobody cared. I will continue until the end of April or thereabouts.

Easter Sunday. Weather wise - not a bad day. I gardened a little (sowed Swiss chard) and entertained Swisser for a couple of hours. She gave Nellybert chocolate and we reciprocated with freshly laid eggs and a couple of bottles of dandelion wine. Those new hens have been a blessing. We can give everyone eggs and call it an Easter present. Too easy. Thanks chickens.

To Flickr then. They are good ones today.

That's Hannah in the middle on her First Communion day. She only got to wear one of her new white shoes as she had sprained her ankle a few days before. She made her First Communion using a little crutch. I like this picture because the little girls had already posed for dozens of photographs and now they were having some down time. I like that they are all looking in different directions and none are looking at the camera. Technically it is not that great a shot, too much bright but it is one of my favourites. It has had 1,386 views.

This picture, the fifth most interesting, was taken on a walk close to where we live. I liked the idea of a broken down recovery truck. 345 views.


  1. I looked at this on my phone and thought the First Communion photo was actually an Impressionist painting!

  2. Really? Hope you are having a great time in Turkey. Looking forward to your pictures.

  3. I have been silently enjoying your Flickr pictures. Love the broken down repair truck!

  4. Thank you GM. Now that the weather is getting better we will have to meet for a coffee soon.

  5. I love that ol truck and the rest of the pics. It has been so interesting to see your pics.

  6. Thank you Brighid.
