Saturday, April 04, 2015

Quilts and Nasturtiums

Gardened for an hour or so, lazed about, ate leftover curried lamb, visited friends, phoned people. That was my Easter Saturday.

I've still got the stinking cold but I believe it is on its way out. Hurrah!

Starting to get into  House of Cards, interest piqued around episode 6. Now on episode 10.

And now to Flickr on this, the fourth day of April.

This is a very small section of an appliqued quilt that I bought on eBay many years ago. I thought of using it as a wall hanging but it is so big that I have not a single interior wall that could cope with it. The figures are characters from the Old Testament but they haven't been identified. Perhaps I should hang it outside, photograph it and let the Internet tell me. Internet seems to like it a little as it has had 1665 views. I wonder why it is I get bored when there are exciting things to be doing like hanging a giant quilt on a barn door for photographs?

 This gorgeous illustration of tropaeolum majus is by the Czech artist Frantisek Severa. It is scanned from the dust jacket of a little pocket book on herbs. I only bought it because of the pictures. Flickr considers it my 4th most interesting picture with 632 views. In this instance I agree with Flickr for it is a very interesting picture and not in the least sentimental.


  1. A blessed Easter to you and yours. Dad & I are going to my sister-n-brother in laws for Easter dinner. Which is a great blessing as I'm not a very good cook.

  2. You enjoy that Brighid. Happy Easter to you and yours.
