Monday, April 27, 2015

Frost And Critters

Taken in 2007, Bonnie and Fred, 727 views, 27th most viewed on Flickr today

Last night brought a very sharp late Spring frost and a thick layer of ice on the hens' water bowl. The pieris, which looked so gorgeous yesterday, are devastated now. My paeony is looking very wilty. In the polytunnel my cucumber and courgette seedlings are mush and Zoe has lost a lot of young tomato plants. The severe cold coming after a very warm week was hard on those tender plants. Mother Nature can be cruel.

Good news is that Dave says my crumble is the best he's ever tasted. I hadn't made it for a while as Miss Martha said she didn't like it. Today's was made with white currants, red currants and raspberries. All from last summer thanks to the freezer. Freezing temperatures aren't always a bad thing.

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