Monday, April 27, 2015


This anniversary hasn't taken me by surprise for I've been thinking about my mother since April began. I knew I'd be writing this blog today and I've left it to the very last moment. Four years, four years now since Matty died.

There would have to be a picture and that was decided at the last moment too. The problem, and it's not a problem, about choosing pictures of my mother is that there are so many great ones. She came across well in photographs. This is the one I have chosen to remember her tonight.

Miss you Mum.

And this is my sister's remembrance.


  1. A beautiful photo of your mom.

  2. I took a quite a few on that occasion. That was the best one. Some of the others were hilarious when she screwed up her face at me because she thought I
    was taking too many.

  3. Even more wonderful with the back story of the picture. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Anonymous11:37 pm

    lovely picture of mum, London Sister

  5. Yes, lovely picture, and well loved mum.

  6. I love that photo of your mum. Happy remembering!

  7. Thank you everyone, she was well-loved indeed.
