Sunday, April 05, 2020

Loving Lockdown

It's only been a couple of weeks so maybe the joys of lockdown will wear off given time. But, be prepared, there are going to be a lot of extra bambinos come Autumn. Obviously, this does not apply to the likes of Nellybert, The Banjos or The Wees but it seems that forced togetherness is actually making some couples extra appreciative of each other's company. Take me and Bert, we're getting on famously and have resurrected little pet names we like to call each other. It's actually the same pet name. Nothing as commonplace as 'babe' or 'hun', for Nellybert like to address each other as 'dick'.

All three of us took walks in the wood today. Hannah and Ziggy went first. When Hannah goes to the wood she sees jays and foxes and woodcocks. When Bert goes he looks at the trees and plants even more trees. When I go, I look for evidence of what is being killed and devoured. I pick up bones and take photographs of fresh kills, mostly wood pigeons and magpies, the occasional pile of rabbit fur and, my favourite, owl pellets.

I'm building up quite the collection of owl pellets. When Martha and Evie can visit again they will dissect and unpack the contents. I'm looking forward to that.


  1. Aspects of the lockdown are positive - the garden and planning meals!

  2. Absolutely. I'm always thinking about what to eat and what to plant.
