Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Little Things

The ceiling in my bedroom has cracked and is likely to fall down someday soon. I don't care. I will move into another room and the ceiling will get replastered and I will have the room repainted. I'm thinking of yellow or green. But I will have to consult with Marty for he is the boss of colour schemes at Nellybert's. He is also painter in chief. All this will have to wait until the lockdown is over.

I am not sure if the weight of ivy on this wall will pull it down, or whether it holds it up. This one sere leaf caught my eye while I was out there today.

Walking in the wood is the highlight of my day. I've still to catch sight of Foxy. Bert and Hannah see him often. I'm still waiting. I came upon his path today, well-trodden. There will be cubs somewhere in the wood.

I bought this primula on my last trip to a supermarket which seems like an age ago. Next year, when it flowers again I will remember this strange time. Today is the first day I have acknowledged feeling a wee bit scared of what is in front of us. It is at night when I sleep and dream that my fears manifest.


  1. Yes, fear comes along, I push it away as best I can. You have some good distractions in nature.

  2. Yes, and are you on lockdown also.
