Sunday, April 12, 2020


Bert and I never go anywhere on Bank Holidays because we don't like crowded places. So this particular stay-at-home Easter is not that unusual for us. Yet I find myself yearning for outings, the beach, Belfast, Leitrim. It's all very well choosing to stay home but when one must stay home that is a very different thing.

I was supposed to bake a chocolate cake today but couldn't be bothered. We'd only have eaten it anyway. Instead, I'll hold off until Tuesday and share it with Zoe's lot. Zoe still comes once a week to work on her vegetable garden. She doesn't come into the house and we keep our distance from each other. Then I prepare something for her to take home and cook.

We had fish pie for supper, which I took a bit of trouble over and it was good. I still haven't got into this thing of taking pictures of food. Another little project that has fallen by the wayside is wearing all my clothes. These days I just put on comfortable jeans and jumpers and hiking boots or trainers. I am taking a lot of walks. A road one then a woods and fields one.

This little cottage is about 15 minutes away from where I live. It has been empty for many years and is derelict but I think it looks lovely with its lemony yellow door.

Nowadays everyone is out walking. I've spoken to more neighbours this past fortnight than the entire time I've lived on this road.

I prefer the woods for I don't have to say hello to so many people. I don't have to say hello to anyone unless it is to one of the animal skulls that we place on branches. This one is either a fox or a badger. It's been around for a year or more.

This one is new and also unidentified. Just remembered that I've got the jawbone and incisors in my pocket. I must remember to set them out to show Martha and Evie when I see them again.

Holly likes to go walking in the woods too. I say hello to her.


  1. ""Hello" to you and Holly.

  2. Hello Mage. What times! I hope that your recovery continues and that you and George will stay safe until better days are here.

  3. Thanks for this post, your walks sound restorative, life and death in the woods!
