Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Lord's Work

The worst thing I read online today was that Mr Trump has decided to suspend funding from WHO.
The attempt to shift blame for (Trump’s) disastrous failure to protect his country, despite repeated warnings from the international body and others, could not be more naked or repugnant. (Guardian Editorial)
So, if anyone reading this is displeased that I agree with the Guardian’s view, and that I see the current (and unworthy) President of the United States as repugnant then feel free to stop reading, following or friending me and I’ll be happy to reciprocate.
Then the best thing I saw on the internet today was this bit of class drumming and weather forecasting by Owain Wyn Evans. According to an evangelical friend of ours Mr Trump is doing God’s work because he disapproves of gays.
And if God exists I’ll bet she thinks that Owain Wyn Evans is doing the Lord’s work here. As does Sarah Tanat Jones.


  1. Suspending funding to the World Health Organization IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC is sheer lunacy. But Trump is a narcissist so he needs to keep finding people to blame. He is not fit to serve as president. He should be removed from office.

  2. Oh, and I loved the drumming!

  3. Anonymous2:24 am

    I couldn't agree more with you... I am a long time reader of your blog- but never commented. I live in Indiana. I HATE Donald Trump. He is an embarrassment and a danger to our country and to the world. So so many people here in the US think so. I am praying that Biden wins in November and that Trump is put on trial for so many horrific and illegal things he has done both in the last 4 years and throughout his pathetic life.
    Stay safe Nelly. I have loved looking in on your life through this blog

  4. That video is joyful!

  5. Sadly, Trump's actions cease to surprise. And I agree that he is a dangerous and unhinged man. We can only hope that his time in the White House will come to an end this year. Yet we cannot be certain. These are very difficult times.

    I appreciate these comments and the positive messages within.

    The drumming weatherman really cheered me up too.

  6. Well said Nelly - and Anon represents the millions of Americans who oppose Trump, we are with you!

  7. Marmalade Cottage6:02 am

    And most of Australia agrees with you. Except our tosser of a Prime Minister who thinks there should be some sort of global oversight of health-related activities. Sigh.

  8. Very nice bllog you have here
