Saturday, June 13, 2020

How's Bert?

Bert and Jess

How's Bert, asks Mr B who I hadn't been speaking to in ages. It was an online conversation and while it was going on, Mr C chimes in on a separate convo. Earlier in the day, I'd commented on a picture he'd posted of a butterfly on a bush. I was trying to be smart and wrote,

Very nice, Vanessa atalanta on Buddleja globosa.

I do like showing off my binary nomenclature.

Then Mr C reminded me that I'd given him the buddleja. It was grown from a cutting taken from my mother's garden. Matty's buddleja came from a cutting taken from my garden when we lived in a previous house and that bush was grown from a cutting taken from Clint's father's house in Tullygarley over thirty years ago. It sure got around.

While all this was going on I spotted the Bert photograph on the Mr C's timeline. I think it answers Mr B's question.

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