Monday, June 08, 2020

The Hut

It was one of my dearest wishes to live in a house with roses around the door. That dream was realised but it turns out that Nellybert are not too great about looking after those roses.  This year they are quite the overgrown tangle. And will stay that way until the flycatchers are done.

A few days ago we saw a pair of Spotted Flycatchers catching insects for their young. They have returned to us, nesting in the same spot as three years ago and there are at least two chicks in their trellis nest behind the roses.

So we got this shepherd’s hut and placed it where Bert’s greenhouse stood. It needs repainting but is otherwise in great nick. There’s a little wood-burning stove in it which heats the whole hut quickly and uses not more than a handful of wood to do so.

The hut is in a good spot for birdwatching. In a short period of time this morning, I saw wood pigeons, a thrush and blackbirds flying to and fro their nests. And, of course, the aforementioned flycatchers. I also intend to use this space for peaceful, uninterrupted reading.

I am really looking forward to seeing Martha and Evie who don't yet know that the shepherd's hut is in place. They are going to be delighted. All dressing-up boxes and craft supplies will be shifted to the new space. 

This evening I lit a fire in the hut, laid myself down on the little bed and finished Dara McAnulty's book, Diary Of A Young Naturalist which I loved.  A good end to the day.


  1. Long time reader here checking in from Southwest Michigan. We have had flycatchers outside our patio door every year we've been in this house (5 years). They rebuild the nest on top of the porch light every year and raise 2 broods. The first one for 2020 were out of the nest yesterday but back for the night. They'll be gone this week and she'll be sitting on another clutch of eggs soon. They do such a good job keeping the bug population under control and I love hearing them in our woods after they leave home.

  2. We were wondering if it was the same pair. Lovely to hear from you in SW Michigan, Troy.

  3. No flycatchers here, but there's a smile on my facee.

  4. And on mine too after reading that Mage,
